Vertical Horizonz Australia’s High-Risk Work Licence courses are essential to ensure individuals have the qualifications and confidence to safely operate high-risk equipment and perform high-risk jobs.
Our High-Risk Work Licence courses are designed to prevent accidents and injury while enhancing worksite productivity and efficiency.
High-Risk Work Licence certifications are compulsory on most Australian and international worksites. It is a renewable and photographic licence that is nationally recognised.
Benefits of High-Risk Work Licence training:
- Advances trainee competency and confidence
- Allows individuals to work lawfully
- Ensures safe worksite practices
- Develops productive and efficient work outcomes
- Creates industry work opportunities

Types of High-Risk Work Licences
Elevated Work Platform – EWP
Vertical Horizonz Australia’s Elevated Work Platform courses demonstrate EWP operations, identify possible safety risks, and provide individuals the confidence and skills to safely operate the High-Risk equipment.
EWP courses include:
- WH&S legislation
- Risk and Hazards
- Types of EWPs
- EWP safety features
- Routine checks and equipment maintenance
- EWP operations
- EWP shut down and isolation

Vertical Horizonz Australia’s Forklift courses demonstrate forklift operation, identify possible safety risks, and give individuals the confidence and skills to safely operate the High-Risk equipment.
Forklift courses include:
- WH&S legislation
- Risk and Hazards
- Forklift safety features
- Routine checks and equipment maintenance
- Forklift operations
- Forklift shut down and isolation
Pressure Equipment
Vertical Horizonz Australia’s Pressure Equipment courses demonstrate pressure equipment operation, identify possible safety risks, and give individuals the confidence and skills to safely operate the High-Risk equipment.
Pressure equipment course content includes:
- WH&S legislation
- Risk and Hazards
- Pressure equipment safety features and valves
- Routine checks and equipment maintenance
- Pressure equipment operations
- Pressure equipment shut down and isolation
Vertical Horizonz Australia High-Risk Work Licence courses
Vertical Horizonz Australia’s High-Risk Work Licence courses include theory and practical components and are performed by our experienced and qualified trainers.
Our High-Risk Work Licence courses are suited to new and experienced personnel required to operate High-Risk equipment or perform High-Risk work. A High-Risk licence is nationally recognised and is beneficial to advance their careers.
Contact our head office today to inquire, book, or enrol in a Vertical Horizonz Australia High-Risk Work Licence course.

With A Course Advisor