Vertical Horizonz Australia passes on our experience through nationally recognised courses, giving our trainees the industry qualifications to build a prosperous career and providing employers Safety, Certainty, Certified.

We pride ourselves on playing an integral part in career paths and believe we significantly improve the knowledge, competence, and confidence of all we are asked to train.

vertical horizonz

Industry Qualifications

Training funding incentives are available

Training comes at a cost and can quickly accumulate if multiple courses are required for a particular career path. Although Vertical Horizonz Australia’s training is worth every cent, and we push ourselves to give our trainees value for money, we recognise not all businesses and trainees can afford it.

There are many training funding incentives available to businesses and employees to assist with training expenses. From tax rebates to fully funded training, the incentives support a competent and safe Australian workforce.

Vertical Horizonz Australia can access government-funded programs and can discuss the funding options and opportunities available.

Industry Qualifications

Detailed and accurate student information

Vertical Horizonz Australia understands that knowing what course is beneficial for a specific career can be difficult. When you add legislative licensing and training requirements, it can be confusing and overwhelming.

We are happy to help by providing detailed and accurate student information to clarify our courses’ importance, benefits, and requirements; and how they enhance careers.

Vertical Horizonz Australia can also discuss training funding opportunities with all students in need of financial support.

Industry Qualifications

Nationally Recognised Vertical Horizonz Australia Training

RIII20120 Certificate II in Resources and Infrastructure Work Preparation

Vertical Horizonz Australia offers training for students to work in the resource and infrastructure industry. The qualification suits individuals who wish to perform routine tasks and procedures using practical skills and fundamental operational knowledge.

The course is a pathway qualification for individuals to undertake a Certificate III Resources and Infrastructure Industry Training.

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RII20220 Certificate II in Surface Extraction Operations

Vertical Horizonz Australia provides students with the skills to work on sites such as an open cut mine or a quarry, undertaking a range of tasks and known routines and procedures.

This qualification is offered on-site only and is tailored to the employer’s requirements.

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RII30120 Certificate III in Surface Extraction Operations

Vertical Horizonz Australia trains students to undertake roles such as production operators, working in open cut coal or metalliferous mines or quarries. They will learn to perform tasks involving a broad range of skilled applications in a varied work context, judgement in selecting equipment, services or contingency measures.

The course is delivered practically to allow students to imitate, practice and demonstrate their knowledge and skills in their workplace.

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Industry Qualifications

RII30820 Certificate III in Civil Construction Plant Operations

Vertical Horizonz Australia’s trains students to operate civil construction plant and equipment relevant to their work safely, effectively and efficiently. A qualified student will understand what civil construction plant would be best suited for a standard job and will be able to support a civil construction project team.

The programme is delivered in a practical way, and learners have the opportunity to imitate, practice and demonstrate their knowledge and skills in their workplace.

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Industry Qualifications

RII31619 Certificate III in Trenchless Technology

Vertical Horizonz Australia teaches students to become skilled operators of trenchless technology in the civil construction industry. On training completion, students will be capable of applying a broad range of skills in a varied work context.

The training provides individuals with the skills, knowledge and confidence to become productive members of an operational team.

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BSB41419 Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety

Vertical Horizonz Australia trains students in a Work Health and Safety (WHS) role to provide competent safety leadership and guidance to others in the workplace. The qualification reflects the broad scope of people who perform this work, including managers, team leaders, coordinators, advisors and issuers.

Students will be trained to apply WHS in context using knowledge and skills of the work and workplace, ensuring productive and effective health and safety systems.

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TLI31216 Certificate III in Driving Operations

Vertical Horizonz Australia’s training qualifies those working in driving operation roles within the transport and logistics industry. We deliver a defined range of skilled operations within a range of broader related activities involving known routines, methods and procedures.

Qualification of this training aligns with licensing and regulatory requirements applicable to driving and state or territory regulatory requirements.

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