Vertical Horizonz Australia works with our client to identify a practical solution to provide essential training anywhere in Australia and abroad.

Our fully flexible approach enables us to implement our training courses Brisbane-wide at the convenience of our clients and in a beneficial setting for our trainees.

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Providing training around Australia and the world

Vertical Horizonz Australia can provide its extensive training services wherever our safety advice and training is required. The accumulated industry experience amongst our team enables us to understand the many challenges a business can have to access suitable training for their needs, especially in Australia, where remote work is common. Vertical Horizonz Australia has access to training rooms throughout Australia that suit our needs to deliver unrestrictive training. We also conduct training with international clients and have accessible facilities in New Zealand, Vietnam, Papua New Guinea, the Middle East and across the Pacific.


Training Courses Vertical Horizonz Australia Provides:

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Vertical Horizonz Australia team

The experienced Vertical Horizonz Australia team

Vertical Horizonz Australia operations are conducted from its head office in Brisbane, and it is from our head office where we begin our comprehensive training services. We build strong client relations, assess safety requirements, analyse desired outcomes and create structured training programs.

All Vertical Horizonz Australia employees have the professionalism and qualifications to deliver desired training outcomes to improve on-site safety and individual competency. Our industry experience enables us to advise, teach, and connect from personal industry experience to understand everyday workplace challenges.

The fully mobile Vertical Horizon Australia team can travel far and wide to offer comprehensive and structured training while guaranteeing training integrity will not be affected.

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Flexible and customised industry training

Vertical Horizonz Australia’s flexible industry training allows us to deliver our services to thousands of trainees within Australia and around the world. We can customise our training to suit our client’s needs to perform our training courses on-site or in training facilities we have access to in each state and abroad.

This flexible approach means we can deliver our comprehensive training services to local, national and international clients in an arrangement and location that is convenient and effective.

Our Vertical Horizonz Australia industry training:

  • Provides meaningful experiences
  • Meets Australian national standards
  • Offers real training that saves lives
  • Teaches certainty, which creates productivity
  • Offers real Generates leadership and confidencethat saves lives
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Offering training courses Brisbane-wide to suit various industries

  • Trenchless-Technology
    Trenchless Technology
  • Plant Operation-icon
    Plant Operation
  • Drilling Operation
  • Mining
  • Work-Health-Safety
    Work Health And Safety
  • Confined-Space
    Confined Space
  • Industry-Qualifications
    Industry Qualifications
  • High-risk-Work-Licence
    High-risk Work Licence
  • Vacuum-Water-Jetting Systems
    Vacuum & Water Jetting Systems
  • Global-Wind-Organisation
    Global Wind Organisation
  • First-Aid
    First Aid
  • Transport
  • Heights
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Vertical Horizonz Australia Partnerships, Memberships, And Accreditations

Vertical Horizonz Australia has a substantial list of organisations that we partner and collaborate with to provide the best and most effective service to all businesses and be active in the ever-changing needs associated with working safely in the industry.

It also helps us to ensure all our methods and training courses in Brisbane meet the required national and international standards to guarantee we are providing legitimate certifications.


Vertical Horizonz Group empowers revolutionary change for the industry, business and individuals by providing exceptional health & safety training experiences, of which Vertical Horizonz Australia is a member.


The National Examination Board in Occupational Safety and Health is an examination organisation providing qualifications and training courses. Brisbane-wide businesses can rely on Vertical Horizonz Australia, with its partner accreditation, to offer NEBOSH programmes and training.


Global Wind Organisation training is commonly a prerequisite for anyone working in the wind and renewables sector, both onshore and offshore. It is intended to support a safe and injury-free work environment in the wind industry. Vertical Horizonz Australia has partner accreditation to offer GWO programmes and training.


Working At Height Association is dedicated to developing high standards, quality equipment, improved work practices and user competency of all persons involved in working at height. Vertical Horizonz Australia is a WAHA association member.

Resources training council

Resources Training Council encourages innovation and collaboration to produce training and workplace improvements to assure that the industry has safe, productive and competent workers. Vertical Horizonz Australia is an RTC council member.


The Australian Skills Quality Authority is Australia’s national regulator for the vocational education and training sector. Vertical Horizonz Australia has ASQA accreditation to provide training courses in Brisbane-wide .


Nationally Recognised Training is a formality to ensure training meets the standards required by industry, based on national training courses that have been formally accredited through state or territory accreditation bodies. Vertical Horizonz Australia has NRT accreditation to deliver training courses Brisbane-wide businesses can trust.


Skills Assure identifies registered training providers registered that meet the Queensland Government’s entry requirements to offer subsidised courses. Vertical Horizonz Australia is registered and authorised to provide Queensland Government-subsidised courses and training.


Registered Training Organisation is a training provider registered by ASQA to deliver vocational education and training services, providing quality training and nationally recognised qualifications. Vertical Horizonz Australia is RTO registered to offer nationally recognised training courses in Brisbane-wide .

Vertical Horizonz Australia offering certified training courses - Brisbane and beyond

Whether local, interstate or overseas, Vertical Horizonz Australia can provide tailored and structured training to the highest level. We can deliver our services on-site or in one of the many training facilities we have access to at our client’s convenience without affecting the integrity of our training.

Contact Vertical Horizonz Australia today and speak with the friendly staff in our Brisbane head office to discuss how we can help your business with your industry training needs.

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